About Us

Who is behind NHH?

In 2019 three founding organizations came together in response to increased signs of organized hate in Hamilton with the goal of providing a space in which community-based leadership could develop. The Global News article Hamilton anti-hate coalition to launch ‘No Hate in the Hammer’ campaign provides a good description of the start of the coalition.

The steering committee is a self-selected group of individuals and organizations which currently numbers about 30. Some folks may be attached to organizations but not necessarily “officially representing” that organization at the steering committee, while others are acting as liaisons for an organizational membership.

The membership application form illustrates the broadness of the NHH umbrella: membership in the coalition requires a commitment to two statements and the making of a specific personal commitment of action against hate. The steering committee is made up of those members who have decided to be part of the NHH work at the steering level.

How did NHH get started?


No Hate in the Hammer is a coalition of individuals and organizations working together to be an effective tool for social change through education, collaboration, knowledge sharing, and advocacy.


To make Hamilton an inclusive city where everyone is free from all forms of hate.


No Hate in the Hammer will foster relationships built on trust with communities, institutions and government agencies. NHH will facilitate conversations, promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, and nurture relationships and allyships.

NHH values transparency and a culture of non-blaming/non-shaming.

Community Guidelines

We ask and require all presenters and guests at our live and virtual events to abide by our community guidelines for respectful and productive discussion, posted at https://nohateinthehammer.ca/guidelines.

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