Thank you for considering our request to submit a video about your group’s work to Acting Out in the Hammer!. This is a session of the summit where we aim to get more than 200 attendees excited about the anti-hate work already happening in Hamilton and picturing where they can fit themselves into it.
At the end of a 30 to 90 second video from you, we hope each participant will:
It’s a short video and a big ask. We know your work is way more complicated than 90 seconds can fit. We will be providing each attendee with the contact details for your organization so they can follow up. We hope not that this video will tell them everything they need to know, but that it will make them realize they need to know more about your great work and seek you out in the weeks to come.
Any format that works for you will work for us. We think that the easiest way to make a video like this is to open Zoom, start a meeting where it’s only you, and hit the Record button. Zoom will give you the option to save the recording, and you can submit that file to us. Use the camera and microphone you use for your meetings! Invite others in if you’d like to have a group represented.
If you’re handy with a cell phone, fire up your forward-facing camera and send us a selfie video. On location, out in the sunshine, or from where you work-from-home — you choose.
If there is a logo, photograph or a graphic you think will help tell your story, please send it to us with your video… we are happy to stitch it all together for you.
If that all seems daunting, let us know and we’ll set up a quick Zoom meeting where we do the recording from our side.
Please contact our team at with any technical support requests.
The big piece we want to highlight is laid out in the steps above: we want summit attendees to know who you are and that there’s work that they can do.
If you have volunteers, that work might be a call for them to join your volunteer programs. If you have a unique way of mobilizing your neighbourhood, that work might be challenging us to mobilize our neighbourhoods in the same way.
We ask that your message be nonpartisan and consistent with No Hate in the Hammer values. That doesn’t mean the ask can’t be for attendees to contact their elected representatives about an important issue.
Do not feel you have to explain “how your work is anti-hate”, though you are welcome to. We recognize a broad definition of anti-hate.
The session before this will dive into Ten Ways to Fight Hate, a community response guide from Southern Poverty Law Center. If it helps craft your message, you could highlight how your work exemplifies one of these calls to action.
The focus on getting the viewer excited about an anti-hate action they can take is key.
We request that you upload your video using this link and email confirmation to us at
Send any graphics you’d like to include by email. Videos are often too large to email but if you can send yours (e.g. using a link sharing service) we’re happy to accept it that way.
We are asking you this with almost no lead time and we are so appreciative of your openness to participating.
We are hoping to receive videos by 5pm on Friday May 14th so we have time to bring everything together.
If you need an extension, please reach out and let us know.
Thank you for your work and for participating in Listen Learn Act!