How do you feel when you get called out?
Maisha Z. Johnson (2016) from Everyday Feminism shares that calling out “stands up for people who are harmed, which is great. But if it includes shaming, isolating, and punishing the people responsible for causing harm, it also just repeats the same tactics of the systems of oppression we’re trying to move away from.”
Professor Loretta J. Ross (2020) discusses that “calling out assumes the worst. Calling in involves conversation, compassion and context.” Calling in can look like sending a private message, calling on the telephone, “or simply taking a breath before commenting, screen-shotting or demanding one “do better” without explaining how”.
Calling in creates an environment of courageous conversations, critical self-reflection, works with the harmed and harmer, which makes a powerful sense of healing and belonging.
Introduction to the Anti-Hate Toolkit
The Belonging Pledge
Individual Pathways
Introduction to Pathways for Individuals
Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Pathway
Stakeholder Pathways
Introduction to Stakeholder Pathways
Recommendations for All Stakeholders
Resources for Parents/Caregivers
Inclusive Practices